Location and Design Division
OpenRoads (ORD) Designer CONNECT Edition Frequently Asked Questions 
Training and Installation
Yes, we originally had the first VDOT specific follow up training class scheduled for Feb. 9 but had to postpone since the dataset and training material is not ready. The class is called Navigating VDOT Workspace/Plans Production and uses VDOT files and Workspace. The link below will take you to the class agenda and below is class breakdown. We hope to have this class posted again for some time in March.
Once you sign up for training (VDOT staff), your supervisor will receive an email to approve you for the class. You are not enrolled until that approval is done. If your supervisor waits, the class could fill up. Once the approval is done and you are enrolled, your name is added to a list for installation. CADD Support will install the software and datasets on your computer after that. You should have the software installed no later than one week prior to the class you enrolled in.
Training on ORD Connect Edition classes will be virtual and began in November. Classes have now been scheduled out to June 2021. Classes will be limited to 15 students.
Users should attend training just prior to the planned migration date of their projects. It is recommended that all users take the QuickStart for MicroStation CONNECT for Existing Users before all other training classes.
Emphasis should be given to designers that will be in ORD on a daily/routine basis. Training on ORD Connect Edition classes will be conducted remotely, and is set to begin in November. Generally, classes will be 6 hours a day (9AM to 4PM) and can be 1 to 4 days in length. Software and datasets will need to be loaded onto machines before training starts. Classes set to begin in November include: MicroStation Update, MicroStation Basics, OpenRoads Designer, ORD Survey, ORD Drainage & Utilities, OpenBridge Designer. Be on the lookout for more Bentley classes in the future here.
VDOT training is not mandatory. Class size may be a factor so emphasis should be given to those users that could benefit most from the training. VDOT will be using standard Bentley Training Material and Datasets. We cannot re-distribute the material to someone that did not attend a Bentley Training class.
Training for ORD Drainage & Utilities will be available. Additional information can be found here.
Training is open to VDOT employees and consultants that are required to use this software to do business with VDOT. Classes are free of charge. Registration is through VDOT U. Supervisor approval is required in VDOT U for VDOT staff.
Software Operation
Yes, from a strategic visioning purpose. For example, are there goals and objectives that we want to accomplish in 2, 5, and 10 years? Are there specific questions/topics that you want to discuss as a “workgroup” level?
Or maybe some discussions on the MS Teams group about how things are going?
We are evaluating moving the Teams channel in L&D out to a separate Teams group. Possibly set up an ORD Team with a channel for each division or high-level topic below that. We could post our responses to these questions on the Teams site. I encourage you to ask these questions throughout this or that forum so others that have similar questions can see the responses there as well.
There is only one ORD icon for both ORD and MicroStation. If you open the ORD icon, you are in MicroStation.
The Workspace and Workset are combined in ORD Connect Edition. They are available for download in ProjectWise.
Yes, Structure & Bridge Division is working with Bentley to configure the software for use on VDOT projects. Timeframe of the rollout and training has not been established at this time.
Project Conversion
Yes, we have converted several projects for testing of the upgrade process. We do have several projects that are utilizing ORD. Only one was converted, the rest were new projects.
These projects are going ok so far. We have found issues with creating renditions in PW and are working with Bentley to get it resolved.
We are currently maintaining a list of projects that Districts are requesting to convert. If you’d like to add yours to the list, please email them to Scott Speight and include the following details:
We have had some issues with the conversion process with features not matching which have been corrected and are being tested. The only issues that remain outstanding is a problem that Bentley is currently looking into with files that have corridors clipped in them. This may be a software bug and we are hoping to get this resolved ASAP.
We have also received some other recommendations from Bentley for the Workspace related to the R3 release that we are in the process of updating.
Currently that is the cutoff date. However, we are continuing to evaluate our schedule based on the issues we are having with the Workspace, Features, Element Templates, and Upgrade Tools. Right now support for SS10 will be discontinued on January 1, 2022. However, licensing for SS10 will continue for some time using Connection Client. We could use both ORD and SS10 into 2022 if needed but not desired because of the support concerns. Cut off dates for products are in the link below:
Only projects using GEOPAK with criteria files will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for additional hours. An approved exception from the State Location & Design Engineer must be on file.
All files will be converted. When we upgrade a project, we upgrade the whole project and all files because it's a schema change.
We are continuing to evaluate the most appropriate timing to migrate the various projects. Beyond the select projects that will be migrated in the coming months, there remains the question of when to migrate the remaining projects, OR, which projects may remain on previous versions (GEOPAK, SS2, and SS10). The Central Office is working with the District L&D Engineers to develop such a list that is based on advertisement date, team training schedules, and other District project development efforts. While the list is currently being developed, it is imperative that we migrate as many projects as possible because Bentley's support for these previous versions will cease on January 1, 2022. As of right now, any project that has an scoped advertisement after 12/31/2021 will be migrated to ORD, and any project that has not closed scoping as of 10/01/20 will be required to be design in ORD. Projects being co-designed with the Department are required to meet the timeframes above. The latest information will be posted here.
Any project that has not closed scoping as of 10/1/2020 will be required to be design in ORD.
Departmental Guidance
The new "VDOT 3D Model Development Guidance Manual" was released October 2020.
VDOT are currently updating the CADD Manual to include ORD information. We will announce the release on our external website. Anticipated release date of April 1, 2021.